Successful studies

Teaching methods

Course type:

A variety of teaching methods

This year 2021-2022, the courses you will follow can be held in presence, in presence and simultaneously from a distance, in presence and from a distance in alternation, or from a distance only. The choice of these teaching modalities will depend on sanitary conditions, on the priorities set by faculties and centers, and also on the motivation of teachers.

In the current context of the health crisis linked to Covid-19, the University of Geneva is following the recommendations issued by the Federal Council and may be faced with the need to apply generalized distance learning in the event that health measures are reinforced.

This space has been designed to help you follow these courses in the best possible way. You will find information and resources to help you make the best use of the platforms available and resources to adapt your learning strategies to distance learning.

Are you following a program entirely from a distance? These pages will also be useful for you to discover the tools, resources and work methods for distance learning.

Teaching in the classroom

The teaching takes place in classrooms (auditoriums, flat rooms, labs, etc.), on site, in a face-to-face relationship with the teachers. These lessons can be completed by teaching materials accessible on the Moodle platform for example.

Remote teaching

Remote teaching, also called e-learning, is a form of teaching that does not take place in the institution and takes place without the physical presence of a teacher. There are a few distance learning programs offered at the UNIGE such as:

In the fully distance learning format, the course sessions can be rotated between:

  • synchronous sessions: listen to the teacher in live streaming (e.g. on Zoom or via streaming on Mediaserver)
  • asynchronous sessions: listen to the teacher through a recording of his or her lesson stored on Mediaserver or SWITCHdrive.

These sessions can combine learning activities (watching a video clip created by the teacher, watching part of a MOOC, contributing to a debate on a Moodle forum, self-assessing your knowledge through a quiz, writing collaborative summary notes on OneDrive for example), which can also be:

  • synchronous (with simultaneous monitoring of the teacher via a Zoom room and its chat, the Moodle forum, for example)
  • asynchronous (conducted without direct contact with the teacher, at any time, in the location of your choice).

Access the help related to the different distance learning platforms.

Hybrid teaching
  • In presence and simultaneously at a distance: a part of the students are present in the auditorium or the classroom and the other part follows the teaching via Zoom or Mediaserver. The students attend the same teaching, but from a different place and a different channel.
  • Alternating face-to-face and distance learning: Hybridization of teaching consists of alternating face-to-face teaching phases (with all or part of the student group) and distance learning activities. A student will thus have phases of presence in class with the teacher and activities to be carried out remotely. The proportion of face-to-face and distance activities varies from one course to another or from one period to another. It is the teacher who decides the scenario of his or her teaching, the nature, quantity and modalities of the learning activities proposed in class and outside of class.

Zoom, Moodle, Mediaserver, follow the guide!