Coaching consultation
Managing one’s health and well‑being is a complex task, that requires taking into account several dimensions: social, emotional, physical, academic, financial, etc. Are you experiencing difficulties in one or more of these areas, and want to resolve them while improving your self-image and developing your strategic thinking?
Why coaching?
- To assess your situation in a neutral and supportive environment;
- To understand your strengths as well as your areas for improvement;
- To define strategies to better organize and manage your life;
- To get support to reach your goal with the small steps strategy;
- To develop a growth mindset and your emotional intelligence;
- To feel supported and increase your self‑confidence.
How to apply for coaching
- Fill in the "Roue de la vie (FR)" ("Wheel of life") document, available on Moodle. The "Wheel of Life" enables you to evaluate different aspects of your life and identify the one you need to work on. This document will serve as a basis for further work;
- Sign up for a "Définis ton objectif SMART et élabore ton plan d’action" ("Define your SMART goal and draw up your action plan") group workshop (required for individual follow-up coaching);
- If necessary, we will offer you individual follow-up coaching;
- Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or a specific request: .
NB: for psychological or psychiatric problems, we advise you to turn to our psychological services (FR).
Our coaching workshops
In accordance with the regulations governing professional secrecy, the interviews offered are strictly confidential. No information is passed on without written authorisation from the student, except in cases of emergency where a person’s life is in danger.