Financial Aid

Financial support for specific programs

Supplementary grant for nursing students (HES-SO Geneva)

Special financial support is now available for nursing students at the Haute école de Santé de Genève (HES-SO Geneva). This support is aimed at students experiencing financial difficulties, to help them pursue their studies in the best possible conditions.

For more information on eligibility criteria and terms and conditions, please consult the dedicated page on the HES-SO Geneva website and the corresponding directive.

If you would like to apply for support, please fill in the online application form and select “Bourse complémentaire soins infirmiers”.

Exemption from tuition fees for the UNIGE School of Law (ECAV)

The University of Geneva offers a tuition fee waiver for the School of Law (ECAV), amounting to 3,000 CHF, for students in financial difficulty. This support aims to ensure equitable access to this program while allowing students to continue their studies under optimal conditions.

To benefit from this waiver, students must be enrolled in the ECAV for the current academic year and demonstrate financial hardship, in accordance with the criteria defined in the corresponding directive. Applications can be submitted between January 21 and February 13 via the dedicated online form.

For more information, please refer to the directive on tuition fee waivers.