UNIGE, and then what?
This interface, available in French only, reveals the career paths of graduates five years after completing their studies. Explore it to help you make the right professional and academic choices!
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Hover over a faculty to obtain information on the professional activity of its graduates.
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Hover over a career field to find out which faculty the respondents come from.
2. DETAILed information
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To further your knowledge, click on the tooltips to access audio and video content. These resources provide first-hand accounts of the career paths of UNIGE graduates, along with other additional information.
The quantitative data presented on this interface are taken from statistical reports on students'’professional integration produced by the Observatoire de la vie étudiante. The latter surveyed samples of the 2013, 2015 et 2017 Master's and Doctorate graduates. The results present the professional situation (general sector of activity) of young graduates in employment, three to five years after the year in which they obtained their degree.
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