
Walthard Award

Publics:  unige
Course type:

The Walthard Award recognizes students who have distinguished themselves both academically and athletically

Are you an elite athlete or do you practice a sport diligently while studying at university? Each year, the Walthard Award celebrates the success of a student whose academic and athletic results are both exemplary.

Established in 1963, the Walthard Award is designed to recognize the abilities of students who excel in both academics and athletics. To engage in a dual pathway combining academics and athletics requires a significant personal investment. Achieving excellent results in this dual curriculum is proof of great potential and thus deserves recognition for the efforts invested, the diligence and the rigor of the applicants. Each year, an event is held to celebrate the most deserving candidate and award him/her a prize of CHF 1,000.

Who is it for?

For all graduate students of the UNIGE without distinction of sex, age or nationality

How do I apply?

Apply using our online form (FR)

Deadline and conditions

  • August 15th for the current year
  • Diploma obtained at the latest the 31st July for the current year

The awarded prize

Amount of CHF 1'000.00

The Walthard Prize is awarded every year in September by the University Sports Commission

List of laureates from 1963 to today

List of laureates
Date First name Last name
1963 Eric Harder
1964 Jean-Claude Tochon
1965 Walter Gehri
1966 Fletscher Johnson
1967 Jean-François Cottier
1968 Pierre Buffle
1969 Jean-Claude Vouilloz
1969 Jean-Pierre Salamin
1970 Olivier Juge
1971 Jean-Jacques Mermillod
1972 Sayegh Perrot
1973 Michel Georgiou
1974 Georges Bongi
1975 Patrick Forel
1976 Claude Bach
1980 Pierre Gumowski
1981 Henry Peter
1982 Monica Vermeulen
1983 Pierre-Yves Martin
1984 Patrick Nef
1985 René Sieber
1986 Thierry Jacot
1987 François Tissot
1988 Francis Bellido
1989 Stella Schipperijn
1990 Ralph Schallon
1991 Isabelle Pentucci
1992 Jean-Paul Vallee
1993 Marie-Christine Duc
1993 Pascal Montandon
1994 Marc Schweingruber
1995 Pierre Morath
1996 Pierre-Alain Ceralli
1997 Philippe Meier
1998 Christian Rivier
1999 David Clerc
2000 Philippe Longchamp
2001 Annaïck Schweizer
2002 Pascal Oehrli
2003 Bart Hoogenboom
2004 non décerné
2005 Luis Aguiar
2005 Diane Gerencser
2006 Ralph Asmar
2007 Adrien Schwitzguebel
2008 Oscar Vadas
2009 Caecilia Charbonnier
2010 Carole Vuillaume
2011 Laura Bao
2012 Morris Trachsler
2013 Ludovic Gremaud
2014 Fanny Bourdon
2014 Jocelyn Roux
2015 Cédric Schmidt
2016 Vicky Janssens
2017 Thomas Huwiler
2018 Minette-Joëlle Zeukeng
2019 Aaron Maria Rudolf
2020 Elise Chabbey
2021 Elizabeth Gerritzen
2022 Randy Dobler
2023 Tessa Arbez


Multiple Talents Office

+41 22 379 77 22
