Financial Aid

Support for extra-curricular activities

Publics:  unige hesge

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The support for extra-academic activities aims to allow UNIGE students with limited resources to engage in sports, cultural and linguistic activities, in order to promote their well-being and social integration.

Types of activities offered

Sports activities 

  • UNIGE offers a wide range of sports such as fitness, yoga, racket sports and skiing. Sports facilities are available at reduced rates for students.
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Cultural activities

  • Students can participate in cultural events, theater workshops, concerts, and other activities organized by the cultural service of UNIGE. Discounts are often available for local shows.
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Language courses

  • The Maison des Langues of UNIGE offers French courses for all levels, as well as other languages, to help students improve their language skills.
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Conditions to submit a request

  • Be enrolled at UNIGE

Steps to benefit from this support