
General terms and conditions


Personal data

By registering and participating in the activities offered by UNIGE Sports on, you agree that:

  • UNIGE Sports will store personal data and characteristics about you;
  • UNIGE Sports will send you electronic information (newsletters) related to the services it promotes;
  • the Observatoire de la vie étudiante (OVE) establishes, for statistical purposes only and in a totally anonymous manner, relations between your participation in sport activities and the administrative and academic information that the University of Geneva has about you.

By registering, you are guaranteed that UNIGE Sports will not share any information about you with third parties, with the exception of your first name, last name, and academic status in cases where you wish to benefit from the services of such third parties.

By confirming your registration, participation, you agree:

  • not to harm other users registered on;
  • not to usurp the identity of others in order to access services to which you are not entitled;
  • not to attempt to circumvent security systems in order to obtain information to which you are not entitled.

Individual Insurance

It is your responsibility to insure yourself individually against the risks of accident, theft or any other damage or injury (material or personal) that may occur during an activity (activities, camps, championships, etc.) offered by UNIGE. UNIGE declines all responsibility in this regard.



UNIGE Sports offers three types of activities on SPORTS.UNIGE.CH:

  • Activities for which registrations are made on and which take place within the UNIGE;
  • Activities for which registrations are made on, but which take place at a partner club;
  • Rental of playing surfaces on;
  • Activities for which registrations are made directly with the partner club where the activities take place.

The points below concern exclusively the first three types of activities, i.e. those for which registration is done at UNIGE Sports. For activities offered by partner clubs, registrations must be made directly with them and their general conditions apply. UNIGE Sports declines all responsibility for registrations made outside

Please note that specific registration and cancellation conditions may apply to certain activities, such as day trip, camps and weekend activities. These conditions are available on the activity's page and are binding.


All activities offered by UNIGE Sports are subject to registration, whether they are paid or not. If the activity is paid, the registration is validated only after the payment of the registration fee is received. Only persons whose registration is validated are authorized to take part in the activities, except for trial and information sessions that are duly indicated. Registration is personal and non-transferable.

Classes require a minimum enrollment. If this condition is not met, UNIGE Sports reserves the right not to open the class. In this case, registrants will receive a full refund.

By registering, you agree to:

  • To participate in the activity for which you have registered;
  • Be on time. Latecomers may be denied access to the class;
  • Comply with the instructions of the teachers, controllers, and guards of the facilities;
  • Carry and present your student card/ID if requested;
  • Attend the facilities with clean indoor shoes. No marking soles are allowed;
  • Change only in the locker rooms, not in the sports halls;
  • To use a cloth for disciplines that involve sweating (e.g. fitness, floor classes, etc.).


The price is a flat rate and applies to all scheduled sessions of an activity, regardless of actual participation in those sessions. Four price categories are applicable:

  • Student rate: reserved for students of the University of Geneva, the HES‑SO Geneva, and the Graduate Institute;
  • UNIGE  and HES‑SO Geneva staff rate: reserved for employees of the University of Geneva and HES‑SO Geneva;
  • UNIGE Alumni rate: reserved for members of the Alumni Association of the University of Geneva;
  • External rate: subject to availability and unless otherwise stated, the activities are open to all at the full rate.

The rate applied depends on the status of the person at the time of registration.


Some activities are grouped by level. Participants must attend classes according to their abilities. The instructor may decide to temporarily forbid access to a participant for his/her own safety and/or the cohesion of the group.


If an activity is cancelled in its entirety or a registration is refused, a full refund of the registration fee is guaranteed. However, if one of the courses in a series has to be cancelled, no partial refund is possible.

If one or more reserve dates exist and are mentioned in the registration information, participants commit themselves to the planned date and the announced reserve date(s). In case of impossibility to attend the reserve course(s), no refund is possible.

In extreme cases or in case of a health crisis, UNIGE Sports will define the compensation policy for cancelled activities. Participants must accept any changes in the format (face‑to‑face, hybrid, or virtual) of the activity for which they are registered. No refunds will be given if the course is given in any of these formats.

If a person has to give up an activity due to illness or accident, no refunds are provided.

If a person makes an error at the time of registration or payment (updated academic status after payment, double payment, etc.), a refund may be granted provided the person notifies this before the start of the course. A 10% deduction for administrative and bank charges will be automatically applied. No refunds will be given for misjudgements of level.

No other refunds are granted. It is not possible to transfer a registration to another activity. If one of the courses in the series has to be cancelled, no partial refund is possible.


If you are unable to attend an activity for which you have registered, it is not possible to transfer/give your registration to another person.


UNIGE Sports may decide to close an activity at any time (due to insufficient numbers or other reasons). In this case, the registration fee will be refunded. No compensation for damages or interest is due in the event of cancellation of the activity.

Video and audio recordings

During certain activities organized by UNIGE Sports, promotional videos may be recorded. If you do not wish to appear, please inform us at the time the images are taken. Apart from these cases and unless explicitly authorized by UNIGE Sports and the participants, it is forbidden to make video or audio recordings of an activity.

Special Conditions

UNIGE Sports reserves the right:

  • not to open activities with an insufficient number of registrations;
  • adapt the teaching modality (face‑to‑face, hybrid or distance learning) according to the circumstances;
  • to take any measure deemed appropriate to ensure the smooth running of activities;
  • to sanction a person who has registered several times without attending the course;
  • to sanction or even exclude any person whose behavior is unacceptable or seriously undermines the ethical charters of the University of Geneva. In this case, no reimbursement can be demanded by the person excluded.

Health measures

By registering with UNIGE Sports, by signing up for or participating in an activity offered by UNIGE Sports, you agree to:


These general and special conditions have been adopted by UNIGE Sports on 08.08.2022 and come into force immediately. They supersede all previous provisions. They are subject to change without notice.