
Regulations of the Centre Sportif Universitaire

Publics:  unige hesge iheid


1.1 These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) are intended to ensure the smooth running of activities at the Centre Sportif Universitaire - Champel (hereinafter referred to as CSU-Champel), and to specify the rights, duties and obligations of its users.

1.2 Direction of the CSU-Champel is the responsibility of the Division de la formation et des étudiants-es (DIFE) of the University of Geneva, which delegates operational management of the CSU-Champel to UNIGE Sports.

1.3 All persons accessing the CSU-Champel and using its facilities are required to read these Regulations and agree to abide by them.

1.4 To ensure the smooth running of the CSU-Champel, all users must comply with the instructions given by UNIGE Sports staff.


2.1 Access to the CSU-Champel is reserved for students of UNIGE, other Swiss universities, HES-SO Geneva, IHEID, as well as staff of the University of Geneva and HES-SO Geneva, and members of the UNIGE Alumni Association. External persons must be aged 18 or over to be granted access to the CSU-Champel.

2.2 UNIGE students and staff use their multiservice card as an access card. Other users must obtain a specific card from UNIGE Sports. This card is personal, nominative and non-transferable.

2.3 In the event of loss or theft of a UNIGE Sports card, a fee of CHF 15 will be charged for a new card.

2.4 UNIGE Sports reserves the right to demand proof of identity for control purposes at any time and for any person present on site.

2.5 Access to the facilities is conditional upon possession of a valid and nominative access card. Any attempt to pass illegitimately through a barrier to gain access is strictly forbidden.

2.6 Access gates must remain closed at all times. Any attempt to keep them open by blocking them is forbidden.


3.1 The opening hours of the facilities can be found on the website and are also displayed at the various CSU-Champel locations.

3.2 UNIGE Sports reserves the right to modify opening hours and days without prior notice.

3.3 No compensation will be paid in the event of unavailability of facilities due to construction work or the organization of sporting events.


4.1 A valid subscription is required to reserve a court/pitch. Prices for subscriptions and hourly rentals, as well as validity dates, are available on the website.

4.2 Reservations are made online with specific durations depending on the activity. Payment is made during reservation.

4.3 Occupation of non-reserved courts/pitches is forbidden.

4.4 It is forbidden to use the name of another player to make a reservation. The person in whose name the reservation was made must be present on the court/pitch.

4.5 Online cancellations are free of charge up to 1 hour before the start of the reservation period; the amount is then credited to the virtual wallet. No refund will be given if the court/pitch is not used, even in the event of bad weather.

4.6 If you are unable to use the court/pitch, please cancel your reservation as soon as possible, as a courtesy to other users.

4.7 Only UNIGE Sports instructors may give lessons on the courts/pitches. The use of ball baskets (more than 5 balls on the court/pitch) and teaching/training a friend are strictly forbidden.


5.1 Access to the fitness center requires a valid subscription. Subscription rates and validity dates are available on the website.

5.2 A towel must be used to cover the equipment during each workout.

5.3 After each use, users must clean the equipment and floor mats using the disinfectants provided in the room.

5.4 Use of the equipment and materials provided is the sole responsibility of the user.

5.5 Equipment must be used with care. Equipment, particularly weights, must not be moved between floors and must be put away after use.

5.6 In busy periods, alternation is essential: equipment should be vacated at the end of a workout, and taking breaks on the machines should be avoided. In addition, a cardio machine should not be used for more than 30 consecutive minutes.

5.7 It is forbidden to take the equipment outside for outdoor workouts.

ARTICLE 6: Respecting the facilities and users

6.1 Appropriate attire is required.

6.2 Shoes with black soles are forbidden on indoor courts/pitches. Shoes with studs are forbidden on the football pitch.

6.3 It is strictly forbidden to:

  • Play/train shirtless and/or without shoes;
  • Eat or drink (except water) inside the buildings and in the court/pitch area;
  • Smoke or vape;
  • Bring in alcohol, illegal substances or dangerous objects;
  • Bring in animals, except service dogs for the disabled or visually impaired;
  • Move or damage furniture and equipment;
  • Listen to music without headphones;
  • Park means of transport (bicycles, scooters, mopeds, etc.); these must remain outside the premises in the designated areas.

6.4 The CSU-Champel is intended to be a welcoming and respectful environment. All users are asked to show respect for others and to comply with the rules of decorum in force. Inappropriate, abusive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.


7.1 Sport involves risks. Good physical condition and insurance coverage are recommended.

7.2 UNIGE Sports accepts no liability for accidents.

7.3 It is recommended not to leave valuables in the changing rooms. Lockers are available. UNIGE Sports is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal belongings or for any other damage to them.

7.4 The person reserving a court/pitch is responsible for the application of the Regulations by all their playing partners.


8.1 The site is under video surveillance to ensure the safety of people and property, prevent and detect offences, and ensure compliance with applicable safety regulations.

8.2 Operation of the video surveillance system is the responsibility of the STEPS service, which manages it in accordance with current legal and regulatory provisions.


9.1 Under the authority of the Head of UNIGE Sports or by delegation, any member of staff or the Security Officer is empowered to exclude any person whose behaviour or remarks show a lack of respect towards the public, members of staff or the facilities.

9.2 In the event of non-compliance or refusal to comply with the articles of the Regulations, UNIGE Sports reserves the right to apply appropriate measures, including the following:

  • Suspension of access to facilities;
  • Reimbursement of damaged equipment or of necessary repairs, as well as of any costs incurred;
  • Administrative charges;
  • Exclusion from facilities and/or all sporting activities (temporary or permanent).

9.3 These sanctions are implemented by the Head of UNIGE Sports or the Director of the Division de la formation et des étudiant-es (DIFE). In addition, the case may be referred to the University authorities for further action.

ARTICLE 10: Application and modification of the Regulations

10.1 UNIGE Sports ensure the application of the Regulations.

10.2 The Regulations can be modified at any time by UNIGE Sports. It is binding for all users from the moment of its publication on the UNIGE Sports website.

Version: June 19th 2024