Personal development
Disconnect your smartphone to better connect your mind

The smartphone is part of daily life. Sometimes a little too much, to the point of hindering our activities. This observation led to the creation of the (Dis)connection project. Many students have reported feeling an irresistible attraction to their smartphone, resulting in a significant loss of time and efficiency, as well as a strong sense of guilt.
- Goal: To help students improve their concentration and engagement during study sessions by regulating smartphone use in UNIGE’s study spaces.
- Method: Understanding the impact of excessive smartphone use on learning and questioning the relationship with it, as well as its usage.
March 17 to 21 - A challenge to start
During the week of March 17, a challenge will be offered to ten volunteer students: to place their smartphone in a lockable pouch for a day. We all need a little push to get started, which is why there are prizes to be won: cultural and sports activities!
From March 24 - Adopting new habits
Starting March 24, students who wish to can truly free themselves from their smartphone for a chosen duration in three UNIGE locations:
- The Ernst & Lucie Schmidheiny Library (Sciences)
- The Uni Mail Library
- The Campus Life Point at Uni Dufour
The procedure is simple:
- You request a lockable pouch at the reception. You place your smartphone inside, and it is locked.
- You keep your phone in airplane mode with you inside the pouch.
- When you finish studying, you return to the reception to unlock the pouch using a magnet station and return it.
April 7 - Workshops to learn more and go further
On Monday, April 7, a workshop is offered (registration required):
It is divided into two parts:
- 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM at the Uni Mail Library
- 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM at the Ernst & Lucie Schmidheiny Library (Sciences)