Successful studies

Faculty-specific workshops

Publics:  unige

You often ask us:

  • How can I adapt general strategies to my specific courses?
  • Is time management the same across all faculties?
  • Does my faculty offer a specific program?
  • How can I adapt my study habits to specific courses?

You’re not alone in wondering how to transfer what you’ve learned in thematic workshops to your specific courses. Learning methods are generally the same in each faculty. However, in collaboration with certain faculties, we have adapted these methods to suit your specific needs.

Unless otherwise stated, all workshops are conducted in French.


Succeeding in your 1st year in the Faculty of Law: essential strategies

This workshop focuses on time management, note-taking and exam preparation in the Faculty of Law. Here, practical aspects and concrete examples from your courses will be presented and discussed.

This workshop is open to all first-year law students

It’s scheduled only once, but will be repeated several times if requested (depending on the number of registrations). It will take place during free time slots for first-year law students, so as not to overlap with your classes.

Registration opens at the start of each academic year: registration


Succeeding in your 1st year in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences: essential strategies

  • Time management;
  • Working with course notes;
  • Preparing reading material;
  • Note-taking techniques (reading strategies);
  • Work on summarizing (note-taking) compulsory reading material can be continued as part of the psychology mentoring program.

You’ll find all the information you need on the Moodle platform. Registration for the workshop opens at the beginning of each academic year: registration

International Relations (BARI)

Succeeding in your 1st year at the Global Studies Institute: essential strategies

90-minute workshop on university study methods for 1st year BARI students.

It covers time management, note-taking and exam preparation in international relations. Concrete examples from your courses will be presented and discussed. Information on this workshop will be presented at the welcome session at the start of the academic year. You can find all the information about these workshops on the Moodle platform: registration


Studying at GSEM: what should I expect?

90-minute workshop on academic work methods, designed for 1st year GSEM students who want to optimize and/or adapt their study methods to academic expectations, and to get up to speed with 1st year requirements and standards!

It covers time management, note-taking and exam preparation in international relations. Concrete examples from your courses will be presented and discussed. Information on this workshop will be presented at the welcome session at the start of the academic year. You’ll find all the information about these workshops on the Moodle platform: registration


Via the Moodle platform. Choose your university (Geneva!) and enter your login and password.

Search for the following courses: "réussir ses études", "réussir sa 1ère année en droit" or "réussir sa 1ère année en psychologie" (depending on your faculty) and then click on "je m’inscris". The dates are then displayed and you can choose the one that suits you best.
