
Develop an activity report

Course type:

What is an activity report?

The activity report is part of the renewal dossier for faculty members (PO, PAS, PT, PAST). In theory, the professor is informed in the year (or even in the two years) preceding the end of a mandate of the opening of a renewal procedure. This involves the creation of a renewal file including the activity report.

This file is analyzed by the renewal committee (whose composition is described in this directive), which may conduct an interview with the person being renewed. After examining the file and the interviews, the committee makes a proposal for renewal or non-renewal to the faculty college. The files are then sent to the Human Resources Department with the proposals for decision by the Rectorate.

The activity report is a key part of the renewal file and helps the renewal committee and the Rector's Office to formulate their proposal, or decision where necessary. It must be produced at the end of each mandate, the duration varying according to the status of the candidate.

This report must allow the authorities to have a precise idea of the teaching and research activities, the activities of service to the city, the administrative tasks, as well as the external activities carried out during the mandate. This report contains both factual data (description of activities, volume of activities) and evaluation data (evaluation of teaching, among others).

Please note that two reports on the evaluation of teaching are required. They are intended for the renewal committee. In the case of a first mandate, the profile line integrated in these evaluation reports is conveyed by human resources to the rectorate.

What's in it?

In order to allow the authorities to have a precise idea of the activities carried out during the mandate, the report must contain both descriptive information on the activities (what, when, how much, etc.) and evaluative information on these activities (impact, effectiveness, satisfaction). In addition, the report should not only include information on what has been done, but also provide a perspective on future projects.

Since our focus is obviously on teaching, we will limit ourselves here to developing a few aspects of this activity that can be included in the report. Regarding research activities, our colleagues in the research department will be able to help you.

Teaching is an important activity that takes up a lot of your time. It deserves to be valued, in the same way as research, in your activity report. It should therefore be a fair reflection of the investment you make in your teaching.

In concrete terms, what information about your teaching activities can you include in this report?

Descriptive information on your courses and teaching practices

This report should contain a list of courses with information on their title, the number of students, the associated credits, their place in the curriculum, and possibly information on times and periods.

In addition to this list of group courses (in person or by distance learning), activities such as supervising master's students or thesis students, internships, field work, etc. may be included because they are an integral part of the teaching activity.

In addition to this information, which is usually quantitative, you can also provide the readers of your report with more qualitative information on the objectives of your teaching, its alignment with the program's objectives, your preferred teaching methods, the alignment between these and the methods of evaluation, among others. A sample or excerpt from a course description (syllabus) may be useful for this purpose.

Information related to the evaluation of your teaching

You must include two institutional evaluation reports of your teaching. However, the evaluation of your teaching is not limited to these reports and other information that is more in-depth or that sheds light on issues (other than the students' opinions) may be provided. Your own analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your teaching practices or data, on the results of learning assessments, are all useful information for those who read your report to get a sense of the quality of your teaching.

What assistance is available?

We can assist you on several levels in writing your activity report:

Providing evaluation data

The teaching evaluation team can provide you with your teaching evaluation reports (archived since 1999). Not only can you have the reports formatted, but we can provide you with the raw data (.xls or .csv format) as well. This allows you, for example, to produce your own statistical data, graphs, comparisons by course, evolution over time, etc.

Formatting evaluation data

Depending on the case, and according to the requests, we can produce longitudinal data (evolution of student satisfaction indicators over time) or transversal data (comparison of student satisfaction indicators between your different courses for example). It is also possible to integrate information on the average of comparison groups in an anonymous way (how your course compares to other courses in the program for example).

Generating evaluation data

Do you want to obtain information on the quality of your teaching that is not only derived from institutional evaluations? We can assist you in organizing a personalized evaluation, whether it is done by:

  • a questionnaire (tailored to your students)
  • observation of your teaching by a peer or by a pedagogical advisor (producing a report at the end of his/her observation)
  • or through focus groups with students.
Tools and resources

Here you will find several useful resources for developing your activity report:

Here is an example: