Request a leave of absence or quit


You have graduated

You do not need to start any procedure to leave. You will automatically receive an exmatriculation letter by post a few weeks after your graduation.

The exmatriculation attestation (necessary if you apply for another Swiss higher education institution) can be downloaded on the online portal (FR) until the expiration of your access. It can later be requested from the Admissions Office for CHF 15.

If the exmatriculation has not been processed automatically:

  1. Visit the online platform;
  2. Log in via the box on the left (UNIGE login: short name, generally the start of your surname + password);
  3. Type in your request;
  4. As soon as it is received, the exmatriculation will suspend all rights and obligations;
  5. In the following days, the exmatriculation attestation will be made available via the online portal (FR) until the expiration of your access.

The graduate is encouraged to:

You want to leave UNIGE during your studies

An exmatriculation request is possible at any time, except during the exam sessions and until the publication of the results. Once exmatriculated, it is not possible to appeal an elimination decision.


  1. To begin with, get in touch with the academic advisor (FR) to know the eventual academic consequences of an exmatriculation. Depending on the situation, taking a semester’s leave of absence could be considered instead;
  2. Visit the online platform;
  3. Log in via the square on the left (UNIGE login: short name, generally the start of your surname + password);
  4. Type in your request;
  5. As soon as it is received, the exmatriculation will suspend all rights and obligations;
  6. In the following days, the exmatriculation attestation will be made available via the online portal (FR) until the expiration of your access. It can later on be requested from the Admissions Office for CHF 15 .

Statut de l’Université, art. 59 Exmatriculation

  1. Any student who wants to leave the University must ask to be exmatriculated;
  2. Exmatriculation requests cannot be made during the exam sessions and until the date when the eventual elimination decisions are given;
  3. Is automatically exmatriculated:
    • A student who does not follow paragraph 1,
    • A student who does not register for a semester or does not pay their semester fees,
    • A student who obtained their diploma and was not admitted to a further one,
  4. A student eliminated in accordance with article 58 is exmatriculated after their elimination as long as they were not admitted to a further title according to article 57 and as long as they did not appeal the elimination decision;
  5. No one can be exmatriculated without being previously notified with a letter delivered to the last known address.

Exmatriculation and semester fees

  • If the request is made before the start of the semester, no fee is due (the registration fee of CHF 65 is never refunded);
  • If the request is made within six weeks after the official date of the start of classes, only the fixed fee of CHF 65 is due;
  • After six weeks of classes, the whole fee of CHF 500 is due.

The due amounts constitute a debt to the University if the student later continues their studies. Moreover, CHF 50 is charged for any re-enrollment with a debt.


Statut de l’Université, art. 55, paragraph 5

Students who have been exmatriculated from the University and who are re-enrolling in the same main teaching and research unit or the same interfaculty center or institute are subject to the enrollment conditions set out in the study regulations. However, students who, at the time of their re-enrollment, were in the process of being eliminated from the same main teaching and research unit or interfaculty center or institute, without a formal decision to eliminate them, are not admitted to enrollment with a view to enrolling in the same main teaching and research unit or interfaculty center or institute.