Personal information

Notify of a change of address, e-mail or telephone number

How to change MY personal information via the online platform?

  1. Go to the online portal;
  2. Click on "Mon UNIGE";
  3. Click on "Données de contact étudiant".

Any student that has a contract with the UNIGE (for instance Teaching/Research assistant or assistant) must change their information via the employee platform (FR). To access it, you must sign in to the platform (FR) with your employee login details, then follow Espace RH > GDI > Données personnelles. If you encounter a problem, please check the GDI guide.

Why is it important?

  • The phone number and e-mail are necessary to change or reset your password;
  • The postal address is mandatory in order to receive certain official documents from the UNIGE. It is also useful for a study on graduates from Swiss HES-SO schools, conducted every other year by the Office Fédéral de la Statistique (OFS).

The OFS follows these graduates in order to study their entry into working life. Every HES-SO school must provide information about these graduates, including their private and academic e-mail addresses.

In order to follow the law on data protection, the OFS officially commits to separating the data from that regularly received from universities for student statistics. The contact person at the OFS and the data platform are strictly separated from the persons generally appointed for student statistics.

The UNIGE Statistics Office is available for your potential questions on the study.