Personal information

Use a preferred name, surname and/or gender

Any student can request to use a preferred name, surname and/or gender according to the conditions and the procedure available in the memento (FR). The change will be made on:

  • The multiservices card;
  • The UNIGE e-mail address book;
  • The UNIGE e-mail address.

Any official document from the University of Geneva, especially professional (employment contract, employment certificate, etc.) and academic (transcripts, diplomas, etc.) will only mention the official name, surname, and gender of the person as they are listed in the information system of the University of Geneva the day the given document was produced.

Moreover, for technical reasons, currently some internal communications will continue to be formulated following the official identity, for instance salutations (Dear Sir, Dear Madam).

Any request for an official change of name, surname and/or gender is to be done following a different procedure.

Procedure for students

Please note: students that are also working at the University of Geneva (for instance research assistants) must only follow the procedure for employees (FR).

  1. Fill in the   form (FR) and sign it;
  2. Send it to the Admissions Office via the online platform (log in with your UNIGE login), attach a copy of your current ID;
  3. Once the name, surname and/or gender is changed within the information system by the Admissions Office, the student can ask to change their UNIGE multiservices card;