
Re-enrollment after non-payment

In the case of ex-matriculation for non-payment only, re-enrollment for the same semester can be requested before the start of your faculty’s examination session (see faculty academic calendar).

  1. Check the deadline for requesting re-enrollment;
  2. Pay the amount of the debt, as well as the CHF 50 fee for exmatriculation with a debt; simply add this to the amount of the debt (art. 7 and art. 11, para. 4 of the internal regulations on university taxes and fees [FR]);
  3. Go to the online platform;
  4. Log in in the square on the left (UNIGE student login: short name [usually beginning of surname] + password);
  5. Submit the re-enrollment request. An automatic acknowledgement of receipt is sent as soon as the application is submitted. If this is not received, the application has not been processed correctly and must be repeated within the deadline;
  6. Wait for the e-mail to arrive (between 24 and 72 hours after the request) with the form to be completed within the indicated deadline. Check that the e-mail has not arrived in your spam folder;
  7. Return the form, without the requested attachments.