
Working during your studies

Publics:  unige

Working during your studies can help you develop your skills, earn money, add some lines on your resume and broaden your experience and network. However, working and studying at the same time can be quite challenging.

Testimonies (French only)

Why would I work during my studies? Will it help me find my first job after graduating? What are the challenges if I work and study? A former UNIGE student who has freshly graduated, and a HR professional share their experiences and give you tips.

Workshops and interviews

These activities are available to UNIGE students (except from continuing education) and to graduates (during the two years following their graduation).

One-on-one 15-minute meetings. No registration or appointment needed.​​​​​​​

Step: Choose a path 🧭/ Get ready 🥋/ Go for it 🚀

Finding a job to finance your studies can be quite difficult and time consuming. We offer counseling to make that process easier.

You will be able to, for instance:

  • Assess your current procedures and applications;
  • Get tips and information that will make your search more efficient;
  • Get information on the student job possibilities in Geneva as well as the available resources.


Revision and tips for your resume

Step: Get ready 🥋/ Go for it 🚀

Will your resume catch the eye of an employer? Take part in our short revision sessions (30 minutes) with a HR professional.

With these sessions, you will:

  • Get a first opinion from a professional on your resume (both content and form);
  • Receive advice to improve your resume and thus your employability.

The Career Centre offers all year long in-depth support for you to improve your resume and cover letters through workshops and one-on-one appointments.



Tools for an effective search

Step: Choose a path 🧭/ Get ready 🥋/ Go for it 🚀

More than 60% of the students work during their studies. Despite the vivid economy of our region, finding a job compatible with your needs and studies is not that easy.

With this workshop, you will:

  • Get information on available sectors, student jobs, and how to search for them;
  • Get tips on how to improve your strategy and tools for searching for a student job, thus increasing your chances of finding one;
  • Identify the key elements sought by employers that can be gained through student jobs, even if they don’t fascinate you!

French only


When? Once a semester
Step: Choose a path 🧭/ Get ready 🥋/ Go for it 🚀

Working during your studies both brings a certain financial independence and helps to improve your skills, network and employability.
However, it can be quite difficult to coordinate studies and work, leading to possible consequences on your studies and your wellbeing. This workshop offers you personalized and practical solutions.

With this workshop, you will:

  • Identify the pros and cons of working during your studies respective to your health and your workflow;
  • Learn practical and personalized tools and methods for time management. This is a key skill in order to coordinate work and studies.
  • Undertake an individual assessment of how you proceed in different areas that influence your management of everyday academic and professional life.

French only


Resources and tips

Coordinating studies and work

The University of Geneva offers support for you to manage your studies and keep a good work-life balance. Workshops, one-on-one appointments, financial aid, and measures offered by your Faculty to accommodate your studies are available.

Find support

  • "Succeeding in your studies" workshops - Workshops that will give you methods, tools and tips for you to manage your studies;
  • Coaching - Workshops and/or personalized support for you to define and reach personal, professional or academic goals;
  • Student health (SSE) - The Health Service offers health support of great quality and accessible to students during their studies:
    • Short or long-term psychological counseling service;
    • Sleep consultations;
    • Workshops and group therapy on different topics: self-assertion, dealing with emotions, mindfulness, sleep problems, body image;
    • Free medical appointment: advice and orientation on health questions;
    • A personalized program for students who wish to alter their study plan due to health conditions or disabilities.
  • Sports - A UNIGE study shows that playing sports and succeeding in one's studies are correlated, especially when one plays sports at university.

Get a scholarship

The University of Geneva offers financial aid to students for them to pursue and finish their studies under the best possible conditions.
There are multiple types of aid: monthly scholarships, need-based scholarships, fee waivers, mobility grants.

Alter your study plan

Some faculties can help you coordinate studies and work: get more time to complete your studies, study part-time, or have a more relaxed timetable. These measures are specific to each Faculty.
The Faculties’ study regulations will give you information on the matter. Student services from your Faculty and/or academic counselors can also assist you.

Study on living and studying conditions

Read the 2021 study on living and studying conditions (FR) at the University of Geneva.

Useful information

Work permits


Employment law