
French exam conditions

The basic entry exam is composed of a general exam.

A written complementary exam (compulsory) is required for any application to the Faculty of Humanities, including the École de langue et civilisation françaises (ELCF).

Notification for the UNIGE exam

Candidates are notified by e-mail through their enrollment/re-enrollment/change of faculty/2nd faculty application decision. The information is also available on the UNIGE Application Portal.

The date, time and location of the French exam, as well as information on how to pay the exam registration fee, are indicated in the decision.

Candidates who wish to be exempt from the general exam must, before the deadline, upload a copy of their French diploma (or Certificate of completion) to the UNIGE Application Portal.

Exam dates

  • For the Fall semester, the French exam takes place at the end of August or beginning of September;
  • For the Spring semester, the French exam takes place at the end of January or beginning of February.

Registration fees

The registration fees are CHF 100. Payment conditions and instructions can be found on the UNIGE Application Portal.

Examples of past exams

Examples (FR) of past French exams (general or complementary) can be viewed online.


  • Results are published a few days after the exam, depending on the instructions given by the ELCF on the day of the exam;
  • Passing the French exam is valid for 4 years. If the exam is failed (including the enrollment to the preparatory year [Année propédeutique] or to the Diploma as French as a Foreign Language –  stream A), it must be retaken.