Certificates and diplomas

Equivalency of former UNIGE diploma titles

As stipulated in the CUS directives (details in point 4.11 of the Recommendations [FR]), holders of a UNIGE "licence" or "diplôme" from the former system of studies (prior to the introduction of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees), for a program lasting at least 4 years, or less than 4 years for programs for which no additional studies were available, can obtain official recognition of the equivalency of their degree title with that of a Master’s degree.

As a general rule, holders of a "Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies" (DEA) or a "Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées" (DESS) can also obtain recognition of the equivalency of their degree title with the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS). For DEA and DES diplomas from the former institutes HEI and IUED (which subsequently merged to form IHEID/The Graduate Institute), on request by the Institute, certificates indicate the diploma’s level but do not grant an equivalency with the MAS.

Please note: it is not possible to obtain a new diploma with the title "Master’s degree" or "MAS", the official signatures, and the seal of the University.  The University only delivers a certificate of equivalency of the level, never a new diploma.

Old degree titles    Equivalency
"Licence" from a program lasting 3 years for which no additional studies were available Masters’ degree
"Licence" from a program lasting at least 4 years Masters’ degree
"Diplôme" from a program lasting at least 4 years Masters’ degree
"Licence" from a program lasting 3 years + "diplôme" (or, in some cases, a DES) Masters’ degree
DEA/DESS (except those from HEI and IUED) MAS (continuing education)
"Licence" from a program lasting 3 years for which additional studies were available No equivalency
Intermediary successes (without diplomas) No equivalency

Grade equivalency table

 Table showing grade equivalencies between the ECTS scale (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) and the UNIGE grading scale

HOW DO I OBTAIN THIS certificate?

Contact the Secrétariat des diplômes via the online platform.


The University charges a fee of CHF 50 per certificate (+ CHF 10 if being mailed internationally).
Please note: no payment may be made on site. If you come to the Secrétariat des diplômes, payment must have been made in advance, and proof of payment provided when the request is made.


  • Questions/requests


  • Contact us by phone

+ 41 (0)22 379 77 39 (mo-fri - 10:30-13:00)

  • Write to us

Secrétariat des diplômes
Rue du Général-Dufour 24
1211 Genève 4