Certificates and diplomas

Speech therapy graduates

Fee of CHF 130

As of January 2015, speech therapy graduates are registered on the National Register of Healthcare Professions (NAREG), published online on January 1st, 2015.

Up-to-date and based on the people, this register offers a portal open to the public. It aims to protect patients and ensure quality as well as give information to Swiss and foreign services, insurers, and employers. It contains information on the professionals, their diplomas, and their right to practice.

The Swiss Red Cross, assigned administrative management of the NAREG by the Conférence Suisse des directrices et directeurs cantonaux de la santé (CDS), enters data on the professionals (name, surname, birth date, place of birth, etc.) and on their diploma/s (profession, diploma, place of issue, issue date).

To cover the costs of the NAREG portal, each registered person must pay a fee of CHF 130, according to the decision made by the directive committee of the CDS. The University receives the payments and transfers them to the Swiss Red Cross.


  1. Pay CHF 130 to the following bank account within three weeks following the e-mail from the MUL office;
  2. Send proof of payment via e-mail to logopedie(at)unige.ch.

Bank details

Bank name            CREDIT SUISSE (Suisse) SA
Swift code (BIC) CRESCHZZ80A
IBAN CH74 0483 5244 0484 5103 0
Beneficiary name and address

UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE COMPTABILITE UNI II Rue du Général-Dufour 24 CH – 1211 Genève 4

Specify when paying DIP-IMMAT Émolument logopédistes diplômés