Certificates and diplomas

OASI certificate

To former students at UNIGE who receive a request for information on their studies at UNIGE by the pension fund:

  • As of 1969, the Cantonal compensation office of Geneva itself received the students’ contributions;
  • Starting from this date, the UNIGE is therefore not able to attest the payment of those contributions;
  • However, it can give, if the former student requests it, a certificate stating the semester(s) spent at UNIGE.

To request this certificate, please use the online platform. No need to log in, simply click on "Cliquez ici pour poser votre question…" and choose the faculty where you studied (or the closest one, if it does not exist anymore) and write your request with the following information:

  • Semesters or years spent at UNIGE;
  • Faculty where you studied;
  • Your current postal address.