
Re-enrollment (form)

To submit your application:

  1. Download the   Re-enrollment form (FR);
  2. Complete, date and sign the form;
  3. Prepare all required documents, as indicated on page 2;
  4. Scan and save everything as a single PDF file;
    • If the candidate has, in the meantime, studied at another Swiss higher education institution (Uni, HES, EPF), a copy of the certificate of exmatriculation from the last institution attended (outside the UNIGE) must be attached;
    • Applicants for a bachelor’s degree wishing to register previously obtained credits may attach the equivalence form if the procedure applies to the faculty/institute/school concerned. The documents required with the re-enrollment form and the equivalence form must be attached only once;
    • Applicants for certain master’s degrees must also complete the "Master's degree application form" form (different from the re-enrollment form). The documents required with the re-enrollment form and the master’s admission form must be attached only once;
    • Applicants for certain complementary certificates must also complete the "Complementary certificate (CC) application form" form (different from the re-enrollment form). The documents required with the re-enrollment form and the CC admission form must be attached only once;
    • Applicants for certain PhDs must also complete the "PhD application form" form (different from the re-enrollment form). The documents required with the re-enrollment form and the PhD admission form must be attached only once;
  5. Send the complete application (form(s) and required supporting documents, all saved as a single PDF file) to the online platform by Saturday January 15 2022 (except for special deadlines). Please indicate the reference number;
    • Please note: if the program you are applying for is subject to a specific deadline or requires additional registration at the faculty/institute/centre, and this is not done within the deadline, or if it is refused, the application will not be processed;
  6. Once we receive your application, it will take 3 to 4 weeks to process. We thank you in advance for your patience and will send you a confirmation message as soon as your application has been processed.